
CMAHC Board of Directors Call for Applications

Qualified Lifeguard Zones Guidance for Commercial Aquatic Venues

For any commercial aquatic facility, dedicated Qualified Lifeguard surveillance is a critical component of providing a safe experience. Surveillance by Qualified Lifeguards plays a key role in the prevention of drowning, as well as the consistent monitoring of other potential risks and the enforcement of safety rules and regulations.

Letter to CDC - 2024 MAHC Vote Results

Flooding Guidance for Commercial Aquatic Venues

Thank you, Vote on the Code Sponsors!

TRC Meetings Schedule

TRC Electronic Votes

CMAHC TRC and TSC Meeting Recordings - 2023-2024

Support the Future of Safe and Healthy Aquatic Experiences for Everyone

Trying to reach us?

Free Resource: Winterizing for Commercial Aquatic Venues

Call for CMAHC Ad Hoc Committee Members

Submit a Change Request for MAHC 5th Edition

Call for MAHC Track Session Proposals - Deadline: August 15

On-Demand Webinar - MAHC Change Request (CR) Process Update

Now Available: 2023 Model Aquatic Health Code (4th Edition)

NEW RESOURCE: Understanding Interlocks and Chemical Safety

Join the Giving Tuesday Movement

Call for Applications: CMAHC Board of Directors

Support CMAHC with Every Amazon Purchase

NEW RESOURCE: Tropical Storm and Hurricane Guidance for Commercial Aquatic Venues

In Memoriam - Jim Dingman

Call for CMAHC Board Members: Vacancies Open until May 5

Support CMAHC's Indoor Air Quality Study - An Important Public Health Issue