Now Available: 2023 Model Aquatic Health Code (4th Edition)
- Code: model code guidance that aims to prevent illness and injury associated with public aquatic venues through venue design, construction, operation, and management.
- Annex: the scientific and best practices rationale on which the model code language is based.
- Pathogen transmission:
- making cyanuric acid to DPD (N,N Diethyl-1,4 phenylenediamine sulfate)-free chlorine concentration ratio greater than 45:1 a closure item.
- decreasing minimum pH to 7.0.
- Drowning: establishing a maximum vertical clearance at the bottom of an aquatic venue or facility enclosure (no more than 2 inches above non-solid grade and no more than 4 inches above solid grade).
- Spinal cord injuries: increasing the minimum water depth to 6 feet for new construction of starting platforms.
Website updates in progress:
2023 MAHC (4th edition):
2023 MAHC (4th edition) Annex:
Filed under: Announcements