
Conference for the Model Aquatic Health Code


Other assistance to localities will also be available. The Conference for the Model Aquatic Health Code (CMAHC; www.cmahc.org), an independent, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, was created with CDC support in 2013 to support and improve public health by promoting healthy and safe aquatic experiences for everyone. The CMAHC’s role is to serve as a national clearinghouse for input and advice on needed improvements to CDC’s Model Aquatic Health Code (MAHC).The CMAHC will fulfill this role by: 1) Collecting, assessing, and relaying national input on needed MAHC improvements back to CDC for final consideration for acceptance, 2) Advocating for improved health and safety at swimming facilities, 3) Providing consultation and assistance to health departments, boards of health, legislatures, and other partners on MAHC uses, benefits, and implementation, 4) Providing consultation and assistance to the aquatics industry on uses, interpretation, and benefits of the MAHC, and 5) Soliciting, coordinating, and prioritizing MAHC research needs. CDC and the CMAHC will work together closely to continue to incorporate national input into the MAHC and provide optimal guidance and assistance to public health officials and the aquatics sector.

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