Ad Hoc Technical Committees

Ad Hoc Technical Committees are set up to develop Change Requests for important issues that the membership have identified or to work on submitted Change Requests that may not have passed but still have technical merit that deserves more time for development of the proposal and gathering the supporting documentation. Ad Hoc Committees are generally disbanded once they deliver a requested product.

Artificial Lagoons (2019 to Present)

Objectives and Outcomes
  • Determine applicability/scope of the MAHC as it relates to the various aspects/components of Artificial Lagoons.
  • Develop MAHC design, construction, operation, and management standard/best practice recommendations and corresponding Annex and glossary content to include in a Change Request to address Artificial Lagoons.

  1. Review design and operational features of Artificial Lagoons to determine what aspects are within the scope of the MAHC.
  2. Identify and review existing state and local codes for Artificial Lagoons.
  3. Identify existing Artificial Lagoons to assess for venue-specific design, construction, operation, and management issues and to help determine recommendations.
    • Assess selected water quality parameters (e.g., turbidity, microbiological) and existing water treatment details
    • Evaluate and interpret data
    • Identify key design, construction, operation, or management criteria to adequately address water quality
  4. Determine requirements for recirculation systems, water treatment, and filtration needed to meet MAHC water quality parameters.
    • Microbial
    • Turbidity/water clarity
    • Free and combined chlorine
    • pH
  5. Review MAHC bather supervision and safety requirements and determine recommendations
    • Lifeguards
    • Barriers/enclosures
    • Depth markers and markings

Surf Pools (2019 to present)

Objectives and Outcomes
  • Review and evaluate current Model Aquatic Health Code (MAHC) requirements and definitions to determine if surf pools and corresponding design requirements, including filtration, flow rates/turnover times, disinfection are adequately addressed.
  • Develop revisions to the MAHC design and operational standard/best practice recommendations and corresponding Annex content to address identified changes needed to Surf Pool design and operational criteria, as appropriate.

  1. Review MAHC design and operational requirements for Surf Pools
  2. Review MAHC water quality parameters
    • Microbial
    • Turbidity/water clarity
    • Free and combined chlorine
    • pH
  3. Determine requirements for recirculation systems and water treatment needed to meet water quality parameters
    • Filtration
    • Flow rates
    • Turnover times
    • Surface skimming
    • Inlets
  4. Determine requirements addressing health and safety for functional/structural design elements/features
    • Ramps
    • Grates
    • Support columns
  5. Identify existing Surf Pools for assessment
    • Assess selected water quality parameters (i.e. turbidity, microbiological) and existing water treatment detailsM/li>
    • Evaluate and interpret data
    • Identify key design criteria to adequately address water quality